BridgeBlogging Bloggers

Bridge Clubs Re-opening??

Wednesday November 10, 2021 16:55:43
With Covid cases again on the rise, it will be interesting to see how many people turn out for F2F bridge at the clubs which are re-opening. Hopefully, it will be lots, as online bridge, as convenient as it is, is just not the same. Good luck to all! […]

Queen's Gambit

Tuesday November 24, 2020 01:02:20
It's hard to escape this Netflix show right now -- everyone seems to be talking about it. Apparently it's making chess sexy again. And I wondered whether it was possible that bridge could get similar treatment... So I started to watch it. Unfortunately, I know something about chess. I used to be (a couple of lifetimes ago) a pretty good player, […]

Mpp Merges With 52 Entertainment!

Thursday October 22, 2020 19:18:24
We are very excited to announce that Master Point Press is now a part of the 52 Entertainment Group, based in France. The Group is strategically focussed on bridge and similar games, and includes Bridge Base Online, FunBridge, and French-language book and magazine publisher, Le Bridgeur, among others.This move will open up new markets for our […]

Recap Of 3/30/2020 21 Board Imp Individual On Bbo

Tuesday March 31, 2020 15:16:30
With face to face bridge on hiatus for as far out as we can see, I have set up a number of BBO games online. Recently I have blogged on google blogspot, but I'm trying Wordpress/bridgeblogging again because of extra features available here that are not available with google (for instance the actual BBO movie, not a link or a screen shot of […]


Monday March 30, 2020 23:36:11
With bridge clubs now being closed due to the corona virus, many (I hope most) of our bridge community are self-quarantining at home...something that is probably more difficult for bridge players than for the general population, as the bridge players are used to the activity (sometimes daily) and the socializing that takes place when they play at […]

Recap Of 2/12/2020 28 Board Imp Individual

Thursday February 13, 2020 16:24:30
Today there were 5 double digit swings that involved bidding judgment, leads, defense, declarer play - and a 'little' luck, pretty much every aspect of the game. […]

Recap Of 2/3/2020 28 Board Imp Individual

Tuesday February 04, 2020 06:36:53
As we gathered to mourn the 49ers loss in the Super Bowl, we went through the first 6 rounds where there were zero double digit swings, but we had 2 in round 7 - mostly decided by leads, but there were also decided differences in bidding which factored into the swings. I'm going to start with 2 opening lead quizzes and then present the two […]

Bridging Two Worlds By Martin Hoffman - A Review
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Wednesday October 30, 2019 14:25:45
I loved this book, even the first half. The first half is about the struggles Martin faced as a child first in the ghetto and then after avoiding selection for the gas chambers, as a prisoner in Auschwitz, on the long march to Buchenwald, and then as a displaced person.Having read this section I realized how much Martin's personality, perseverance […]

American Bridge Teachers' Association Book Of The Year Awards
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Wednesday July 24, 2019 16:03:26
On Thursday evening, at the annual American Bridge Teachers' Association banquet, the 2019 Book of the Year awards were presented by chairperson Brenda Montague. The committee this year consisted of Sam Marks, Henry Meguid, Brenda Montague and Karen Walker. Master Point Press is proud to announce that two of its books won awards this year.The […]

Announcing The 2019 Abta Master Point Press Teacher Of The Year
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Tuesday July 23, 2019 16:43:04
Congratulations go out to Jim Ricker from Knoxville, TN, winner of this year's ABTA Master Point Press Teacher of the Year award![caption id="" align="alignleft" width="786"] Jim Ricker, 2019 Teacher of the Year[/caption]The award was presented by chair Richard Braunstein, representing the panel of ABTA teachers Mary Jane Orock, Joyce Penn, Tina […]